Splitting for the Future

After much debate, we are separating Wellingborough Eco Group and Extinction Rebellion Wellingborough. The overwhelming feeling was that this is the logical thing to do, for three reasons:

  1. So that both groups can be more effective by focusing on their own activities.
  2. To allow the Eco Group to accept donations.
  3. To grow membership of both groups.

Moving forward, we want to ensure Wellingborough Eco Group is a group that is run collectively, we want everyone to join in. Your ideas are and skills are important to us, every member counts!

The focus of the group will continue to be based around sustainability and the environment. Our events are still about helping and encouraging people to become more sustainable whilst improving the environment locally. But what do is up to youโ€ฆ

On Thursday night we are holding a virtual Wellingborough Eco Group General Meeting. This will start at 7:30, on Zoom and is due to last 40 minutes.

Join us via

Meeting ID: 916 7827 9718
Password: Eco

Anyone can get involved, any member can propose an event and we welcome everyone’s ideas. With your involvement, events like these could be coming soon:-

โ™ป๏ธ Clothes Swap
๐ŸŒ Sustainability Advice Sessions
๐Ÿงถ Crotchet Eco Make-Up Wipes
๐Ÿฆ” Introduction to Hedgehogs
๐Ÿงผ Green Cleaning
๐ŸŒฑ Plant Swap
๐ŸŒฒ Tree Planting
๐ŸŒณ Willow Weaving Workshop
๐Ÿธ Green Drinks
โ™ป Litter Picking
๐Ÿ”ง Repair Cafe
๐ŸŒป Community Allotment

Thank you to everyone involved for making this possible. See you on Thursday ๐Ÿ’š

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